Theaterzaal Ledebergplein 30, Ledeberg, BelgiumIt's time for the yearly IAESTE Quiz again! Why would you certainly not want to miss this, you ask? Well, first of all we have amazing prizes! If that's not enough, you should come for the snacks, for the amazing atmosphere or just because it will be an amazing evening! Tuesday April 25 you're welcome […]
Welcome BBQ
VUB Campus Pleinlaan 2, Brussel, BelgiumHello everyone, on the first of July Brussels will be kicking off the summer with a welcome BBQ for all the trainees, alumni and members. The BBQ will take place on July 1st, 2023 at 17:00 (5PM) until about 21:00 (9PM). It will happen at the campfire on the lovely VUB Campus: Pleinlaan 2, 1050 […]
Leuven , BelgiumTo be announced
Ghent Festival – Gentse Feesten
Ghent , BelgiumCity Trip – Brussels
VUB Campus Pleinlaan 2, Brussel, BelgiumCity Trip – Leuven
Leuven , BelgiumBrussels weekend 2023
VUB Campus Pleinlaan 2, Brussel, BelgiumRegistrations are open from June 1st until July 1st. You can register here. Itinerary: Friday 11th: 17h: Check-in at accommodation 19h30: Getting to know each other over Drinks and Dinner at the Cim d'Ix + a typical Belgian tradition: "De Kroegentocht" (going from bar to bar to bar) Saturday 12th: 11h: Brunch 13h - 18h: Sightseeing […]