IAESTE is the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, a global organization which enables students in scientific and technical studies to perform an internship abroad. The association was established in 1948 at the Imperial College in London, with Belgium being one of its founding members. For over 75 years, the IAESTE network has continued to grow and now includes more than 100 member countries.
Each year, approximately 40 Belgian students are given the chance to gain work experience abroad through the IAESTE program. This opportunity helps students improve their independence, flexibility, communication, and foreign language skills while contributing to both their personal and academic development.

Margarita Spirina
National Secretary of IAESTE Belgium
PhD researcher at Wybouw Lab, Univeristy of Ghent
Our National Secretary, Margarita Spirina, leads IAESTE Belgium’s national committee, overseeing all administrative tasks and representing Belgium internationally. IAESTE Belgium holds full membership in IAESTE Global. In the General Conference (GC), where all key formal decisions for IAESTE are made, she serves as the mandated delegate, speaking and voting on behalf of the country.
IAESTE Belgium is currently active in three university cities, Ghent, Brussels and Leuven, each of which have their own Local Committee (LC). The local committees support the National Secretary, promote the IAESTE program among students, and organize accommodation and activities for foreign trainees. Together with the National Secretary, they maintain close bonds with companies and institutions in their region.
IAESTEs aims:
- To provide students in higher education with technical experience relevant to their studies;
- To offer employers well-qualified and motivated trainees;
- To be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host communities.
For questions, please send an e-mail to belgium@iaeste.org.